时间:2022-8-24 8:47:30|RORO stands for Roll On Roll Off. It’s a type of shipping vessel designed to handle freight that is too large to fit into shipping containers. Initially developed in the 19th century for the transport of trains across waterways, RORO became commercially available in Japan in the 1960’s with the globalization of the auto industry.
RORO.com was developed to make shipping large assets as fast and easy as possible. If you are shipping machinery, cars, trucks, boats, trailers, RVs, or motorcycles worldwide, you can get instant quotes, check upcoming schedules, and book your international shipment in seconds on RORO.com.空运
通过我们与航空公司的协议,我们可以 在世界各地
运送航空货物 。我们将评估您的具体需求,并为您的大型或小型快递 门到门、港口到港口或 介于两者之间的任何方式 定制我们的 空运服务。